General Paz Avenue 1476
Córdoba, Argentina
We have created a practical guide to understand different ways of participating in the UNFCCC Conferences of Parties. This tool, carried out within the framework of the actions of the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA), Escuela Feminista para la Acción Climática (EFAC), Colectivo Casa and the Coalición Nacional por la Tierra (CNT) Argentina, allows grassroots communities to get involved and participate directly, providing relevant elements for debate and decision-making, and/or launch crucial advocacy mechanisms in international spaces.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international treaty adopted at the United Nations Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. It establishes the general framework for addressing the climate crisis at a global level and provides the basis for subsequent negotiations and agreements on this issue. It is essential to highlight that participation in the Convention implies a long-term commitment and the willingness to actively contribute to global efforts. Within the framework of the UNFCCC, annual meetings are held in which the countries that are parties meet to discuss and negotiate actions aimed at addressing the crisis at a global level, the well-known Conferences of the Parties (COP) on Climate Change and the Parties are the countries that ratified or adhered to the treaty.
The main objective of the COPs is to evaluate progress in the implementation of the Convention and its protocols, as well as to make decisions on pending and future issues related to the climate crisis. During the Conferences, representatives of the countries negotiate agreements and commitments that may include commitments to reduce emissions, financing for developing countries and other measures to mitigate and adapt. They also serve to monitor and evaluate progress in the implementation of commitments and decisions taken at previous meetings.
The COPs are fundamental events in the global governance of the climate crisis, providing the opportunity to coordinate efforts at an international level to address this global challenge, which is why it is essential that as civil society we are informed and prepared to participate actively and strategically. Although it is primarily a meeting of representatives of member countries with limited direct participation of individuals in the negotiation of policies, our guide delves into four ways in which people can contribute or participate indirectly: as an observer, in parallel events and related activities, in one of the 9 Constituent Groups and through campaigns.
Fundación Plurales has been promoting different strategies and tools to strengthen grassroots organizations, individuals and groups grouped around the defense of territory, human rights, environmental assets and economic justice, of historically disadvantaged sectors. From a gender perspective, we support rural communities by promoting participatory governance of natural assets such as safe water, land and the incorporation of appropriate technologies that generate more sustainable production systems. In this framework, the Practical Guide to understand different ways to participate in the UNFCCC Conferences of Parties will promote advocacy actions in international spaces.