We promote Environmental and Gender Justice for communities and organizations of activists, defenders of the environment and the territory, applying a feminist approach in a transversal way.

A virtual space for training, meeting and exchange between groups of defenders of human and environmental rights in Latin America.

It seeks to amplify the voices and collective action of peasant, indigenous, Afro-descendant and marginalized urban women with training, technical-political assistance and financial resources to strengthen advocacy and visibility plans that promote democratic and feminist governance of the territory.

It seeks to challenge inequalities related to women’s rights to land, highlight their leadership and feminist perspectives in all struggles for territory, and take action on gender issues.

It is an open, strategic and inclusive space in the global south to build alliances, bring about change, address oppressive practices and social norms for a just and equal society.

We promote that communities and organizations of activists, defenders of the environment and the territory have access to communication tools for advocacy and amplify their voices in defense of territories.

We make visible the people who protect their land, territory and common goods against the extreme effects of the climate crisis and extractivism.

We work collaboratively so that the protagonists not only put their voice and face, but also define what to denounce, demand and make visible. This is what they want to show the world.

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